The Enterprise Iain Show

Business Plans? Really?

Episode Summary

In this episode of Coffee, Scones and Enterprise Therapy, Enterprise Iain and Deedee Cuddihy discuss business plans, self publishing and orange cake!

Episode Notes

Business Plans?  Really?

If you are starting a business and don't know where to begin.  Do you really need a business plan?  Does it put you off even before you have begun?

Iain and Deedee discuss the obsession with business planning that people have.


Useful Links

Deedee is an author of books including "The Wee Guide to Scottish Women", "I Love Tunnocks Tea Cakes" and "Scottish Sweetie Addicts and Chocoholics", to name but a few.  

Find out more at


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If you are interested in finding out more about being your own boss then why not check out my new book "How to Kick the Emoloyee Habit and Be Your Own Boss". Our now at Amazon.