The Enterprise Iain Show

Do What You Love Not What You Loathe

Episode Summary

Do what you love not what you loathe, give the jobs you hate to someone else and concentrate on what you are good at and enjoy. Makes sense doesn't it. And most if all have confidence in yourself. Join me for this episode whenI chat to Susan Grandfield who is a Mindset Coach!

Episode Notes

In this episode I want to talk about people having confidence in themselves and then I will move into a special topic which I will reveal during the podcast so tune in!!

Susan was in the corporate world of hospitality for about 10 years.  She loved it - but she had a sense that there has got to be something more to life than this.  It felt that everything was focused on making money. The seed for change was sown.

Then out of the blue a consultancy was looking for someone to be a self employed coach trainer.  Susan had never thought about being self employed at all coming from a back ground of job for life.  But she wanted to find out what life would be like to have the sense of freedom and autonomy in her work.  That was the start....  

Tune in to find out more ....